Consultancy, Project Management, Support, Training
Empowerment services provide solutions which enable you to realise your objectives, by providing specialist input to aid decision making, managing and/or executing projects once the decisions have been made, by providing training to equip staff with new skills, and supporting staff as they work.
We can empower you both by taking tasks off your hands (which empowers you by letting you get on with your core business), and by providing training and support for you or your staff to be able to master whatever they need to do.
Gate Seven provide and/or manage services on a customised basis, generally within the context of working in partnership.
As partners, we may be employed to do more or less of a complete project - it all depends on the stage at which we get involved, and, of course, your existing skills and requirements, and the extent to which you wish, or need, to do-it-yourself.
Part of our empowerment/partnership process is the provision of on-line documentation to assist you if you are not employing our expertise directly: if you think about taking the do-it-yourself approach, you will have to balance the amount of time and motivation required from people who are training themselves, against the costs involved in employing us to do the job.