What Do You Get?
This package includes TYPO3, plus the YAML TYPO3 template by t3net.de. The template provides an out-of-the-box solution, with a nicely designed working YAML-based XHTML template.
The package is an excellent example of a well designed and structured TYPO3 site, with many typoscript issues already worked out, and logical back-end structure. It is extremely well documented on the t3net.de site.
Two versions are available:
- using Modern Template Building principles
- using templavoila
Unless you have a clear reason to select the MTB-based template, we strongly recommend the templavoila one. Templavoila is much easier to work with, especially if you are interested in grid-based layouts. The list below is based on this version.
The template combines:
- very simple YAML-based XHTML (the entire standard XHTML extends to only 36 lines of XHTM, which manages to generates a 3-column dynamic layout complete with header, menu area, 3 content columns and footer area), together with
- the YAMLCSS framework itself, which can be customised to completely change the appearance of the layout, together with
- a typoscript template which integrates the most common extensions required for a web site and allows easy customisation by turning whole areas of the output on or off.
- support for a very wide range of browsers, including automatic support for min and max width in IE browsers
- layouts can be either dynamic (the width of columns varies as the width of the browser window changes) or static (width of columns is fixed), or a mixture.
- Built-in accessibility features. The whole template supports the appropriate standards
- Headings can be either text- or graphics-based, while retaining accessibility
- Automatic removal of non-useful elements such as menus when a page is printed
- The capacity to redefine the page layout automatically for display on hand-held devices
- Additional sub-divisions of columns are easily inserted, making grid-based layouts simple
- Multi-lingual page handling - up to 6 languages supported (though this can be turned off if you need a single language)
RG Tabs
RG Tabs
The extension rgtabs lets you toggle content element and it is also possible to have an rgtab inside another one. The content can be loaded with Ajax or can be just switched with some javascript. It is fully style able with CSS and is based on Mootools. Take a look at the the demo to get a nice impression: http://www.rggooglemap.com/dev/rgtabs.html
Drop-down sitemap
Drop-down sitemap
The Drop-Down sitemap plugin adds a new kind of menu/sitemap to the Typo3 content elements. It uses HTML list elements, CSS and JavaScript (Scriptaculous or Mootools) to generate a drop-down map of the website, with the possibility to expand / collapse every section.
Language Selection
Language Selection
The Language Selection extension adds a new type of page content element to the back end of Typo3. This page content element allows to insert a language selection list on a page:
- the list may be presented as a list of flags, as a selector box, or as a list of links;
- clicking on a flag, selecting a language in the selector box, or clicking on the language name in the list of links loads the corresponding version of the page;
- if the list is presented as a list of flags, a flag is dimmed when the current page does not have a version in the corresponding language; if the list is presented as a selector box, only the languages for which the current page has a version are presented in the list;
- optionally, no menu is presented if the current page has no alternate language;
- the name of each language may be presented in the language itself;
- a collection of flags for the languages supported by Typo3 is included with the extension; the flags are derived form the collection flags-1.6.tgz available at the Open Clip Art Library;
- the extension is DBAL-compliant and the output is XHTML 1.0 Strict compliant and CSS-styled.
Search Box for the Indexed Search Engine
Search Box for the Indexed Search Engine
This Extension offers the possibility to add a searchbox to your Typo3 powered website which submits the searchvalue to the Indexed Search Engine plugin. The extension has a html template which is easy to modify and supports multiple languages.
Page Comments
Page Comments
Simply lets you add Comments to pages. You decide, which pages will get the comment functionality, simply place the plugin on these pages.
Also there is a protection for reload, so you don't get double entries when user refreshes the page.
All Features can be configured easily from the Setup.
Special Feature: Webusers which are logged in don't need to fill out name/email, all other's data will be stored in cookie, if not disabled.
Captcha Library
Captcha Library
This extension generates an image which contains an obfuscated text string that a user has to repeat in a form field in order to gain access to a website service. The technique assumes that humans can read an repeat the string while a spam-bot cannot, thus preventing guestbooks, tip-a-friend forms etc from being spammed by non-human clients.
The techniques are discussed here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Captcha
This captcha is meant as a resource other TYPO3 plugins can use. In doing so the overall site security level is improved when this captcha is improved in security.
Extends all backend date/datetime fields with a calendar (http://www.dynarch.com/projects/calendar). The calendar provides an additional natural language parsing mode (http://datetime.toolbocks.com/). Also it offers a small API to use the calendar in other extensions too.
PMK Text Area Widget
PMK Text Area Widget
Adds resizing, scrolling line numbers, improved Tab key handling and other neat features to standard textareas. Can be used in both Backend and Frontend. (TYPO3 independent as it's written 100% in Javascript)
- Textarea can be resized in both horizontal and vertical directions. (All browsers)Min. & Max. sizes can be set for both horizontal and vertical.
- Automatic line numbering (IE and Mozilla)Line number column can be toggled on off either by checkbox or by pressing the Ctrl-L key combination.
- Tab chars can be inserted in textareas. (All browsers)Both regular Tab char and spaces can be used as tab char.Can either be inserted as single character, or indent blocks of text.De-indenting is also available by pressing Shift-Tab or Ctrl-Tab
- Textarea remembers the tab/indent position when pressing return. (All browsers)
- Ability to change font sizes (IE, Mozilla and Opera) either by buttons or by pressing the Ctrl+ or Ctrl- key combination on the numeric keyboard.
- Jump to line function (IE and Mozilla) press Jump button or key combination Ctrl-G to bring up jump prompt.
- Search function (IE and Mozilla) Opera has same function as default.Press Find button or key combination Ctrl-F to bring up search prompt.Pressing the F3 key after the initial search will find the next occurrences of search string.
- Comments can be toggled on/off by pressing the Ctrl/ or Ctrl* key combination on the numeric keyboard. (All browsers)
This extension provides the third party database management tool »phpMyAdmin« integrated and preconfigured for the TYPO3 installation and database.
Improved T3Skin
Improved T3Skin
This extension fixes some current problems of default TYPO3 skin (t3skin). Also there are some small additions to make it even better like roll-over highlighting.
Suppose some day these fixes could go to the t3skin itself.
Summary of changed/improved places:
- changed highlighting colour for active and roll-over module in module list;
- changed highlighting colour for active, added highlighting roll-over colour (TYPO3 4.0.x) for pages in PageTree and files/folder in FileList;
- added highlighting roll-over colour for a lot of places. Here are some: List module: highlighting of single row , highlighting of selected button, highlighting for top menu of options for current page, Access module: highlighting of single row + highlighting of selected button, Click menu: highlighting of menu element, Extension manager: highlighting of single active row, User Admin: highlighting of single active row.
- improved contrast (even comparing with t3skin 0.0.2);
- added highlighting of input fields at BE login page (doesn't work in IE);
- improved a little usability of lists (List module, Access module, etc) by adding some extra space around rows.
MD5 Fe Password
MD5 Fe Password
This extension extends a few core functionalities and two extensions so MD5 Frontend User Passwords can be used all along the way.
First MD5 hashed Passwords get transmitted when registrating frontend users via the core “feuser_admin” extension. Some modifications need to be made to the Registration templates for activating the md5 encryption. See the example in the “res” directory of the extension. The default template gets automatically set to this new template. The registration is the most insecure way of the complete FE user transaction as the password gets transmitted over the line and everybody can read it. Althoug it is MD5 hashed and thus not human readable one can use it to log in as the user from which he got the MD5 hash. It's just a little bit more complicated for him. Too make the Registration secure either use HTTPS or have a look out for the soon released extension “kb_secfeureg”. An extension which makes it possible to encrypt the send password with means of assymetric public/private key encryption.
The second part which gets extended is the login process. There are currently two widely used login mechanisms for Typo3. The default login box which is included in the core and the “newloginbox” extension. For both of them code has been implemented so the entered passwords get transmitted “superchallenged”.
“Superchallenged” means that the password gets MD5 hashed then concatenated with some other values (in our case the username and a random challenge string) and MD5 hashed again. By bringing in a random challenge string we ensure that the string which gets sent along is different each time you log in. A malicious user can't log in with the same challenged-password/username/challenge combination again as the challenge is stored in database and just valid for one login.
You will notice that the BE form when you edit a FE User has changed. Now the type of the Password field is “password” and you can't see the password anymore.
Extension for displaying and managing news.
- 3 types of news items: standard news articles, external links and links, pointing to internal pages.
- Full multilanguage support with TYPO3 since version 3.7.0.
- News-articles can be related to each other and/or to internal pages. If two news articles are related, the link back to the source article is inserted automatically.
- The view of the complete news article (single view) can be splitted to multiple pages. Pagebreaks can be inserted manually by a userdefined “pagebreak token” or after a certain amount of words.
- All types of mediafiles can be assigned to news-articles.
- Very flexible news content-element with the following functions: List, Latest, Archive-menu, Single-view, Search, a menu from nested categories (CATMENU) and a special kind of single view: the “version preview”.
- The appearance of the news plugin on the website can easily be changed by editing the html-template.
- 2 different html templates included: A table-based template which is kown from older tt_news versions and a new CSS-based template (see screenshots below).
- News-categories, that can be assigned to news (multiple selections possible). Categories can also be nested to each other. News can be selected (or de-selected) for display by their categories or parent-categories.
- New in version 2.5.0: If the extension xajax is installed, the category trees in BackEnd forms can now be expanded and collapsed. If you have a huge category tree this will speed up the rendering of the tree significantly.
- New in version 2.5.0: “tt_news category manager” a BackEnd module for managing news categories (located under Web->Info). It shows the complete category tree - of course expandable and collapsable - and offers drag and drop for moving and copying news categories.
- Category-images and category-titles can act as link to a specific page or function as category-selector.
- The Single view of an article can show a list of news, having the same categories assigned as the current article.
- In the BackEnd categories can be used to configure the editing permissions for news records. A list of allowed categories can be configured for a BackEnd usergroup. If a member of this group tries to edit a news record that does have at least one category assigned that is not in this list saving of the record will be disabled.
- Internal search function with configurable “search fields” (can be combined with the category-selector function to filter results by categories).
- “Editlock”: By activating the checkbox “Restrict editing by non-Admins” a news record can be locked for editing by non-admin users.
- “Automatic archiving”: After a given number of days has passed, news are automatically in the archive, no need to set an archivedate manually for each item.
- Supports caching and Indexing: If caching is enabled news-articles are indexed by the extension “indexed search”.
- Supports “direct preview”: When the “save & view” button in a news record (in the BackEnd) has been pressed the “single view” of this record will be opened on the website. (see section “Page TSconfig”)
- Several possibilities to add user-defined scripts to process the output of the extension f.e. to add your own markers and templateparts. (-> see sections “Configuration/files” and “Extending tt_news” for some examples)
- Supports export to the following XML-feed formats: RSS 0.91, RSS 2, RDF Atom 0.3 and Atom 1.0.
- Supports versioning for news records (TYPO3 > 3.7.0 & MySQL 4.x required). “Versioning preview” is supported with a special mode of the tt_news content element (VERSION_PREVIEW) which will be available if the extension “version” is installed.
- “Context sensitive help” (CSH) for all fields in the tt_news and tt_news_cat BackEnd forms.
- Support for workspaces (TYPO3 4.0 required)
Indexed Search
Indexed Search
The Indexed Search Engine provides two major elements to TYPO3:
- Indexing: An indexing engine which indexes TYPO3 pages on-the-fly as they are rendered by TYPO3's frontend. Indexing a page means that all words from the page (or specifically defined areas on the page) are registered, counted, weighted and finally inserted into a database table of words. Then another table will be filled with relation records between the word table and the page. This is the basic idea.
- Searching: A plugin you can insert on your website which allows website users to search for information on your website. By searching the plugin first looks in the word-table if the word exist and if it does all pages which has a relation to that word will be considered for the search result display. The search results are ordered based on factors like where on the page the word was found or the frequency of the word on the page.
Features of the indexer
The indexing engine has several features:
- HTML data priority: 1) <title>-data 2) <meta-keywords>, 3) <meta-description>, 4) <body>
- Indexing external files: Text formats like html and txt and doc, pdf by external programs (catdoc / pdftotext)
- Wordcounting and frequency used to rate results
- Exact, partially or metaphone search
- Searching freely for sentences (non-indexed).
- NOT case-sensitive in any ways though.
Features of the search frontend (the plugin)
The search interface has several options for advanced searching. Any of those can be disabled and/or preset with default values:
- Searching whole word, part of word, sounds like, sentence
- Logical AND and OR search including syntactical recognition of AND, OR and NOT as logical keywords. Furthermore sentences encapsulated in quotes will be recognized.
- Searching can be targeted at specific media, for instance searching only indexed PDF files, HTML-files, Word-files, TYPO3-pages or everything
- The engine is language sensitive based on the multiple-language feature of TYPO3's CMS frontend.
- Searching can be performed in specific sections of the website.
- Results can be sorted descending or ascending and ordered by word frequency, weight, location relative to page top, page modification date, page title, etc.
- The display of search results can be intelligently divided into sections based on the internal page hierarchy. Thus results are primarily grouped by relation, then by hit-relevance.
TemplaVoila is an alternate templating enginge offering a new way of creating and working with design elements. On top of that it provides a new user interface in the backend (aka the “Page Module).
The extension “TemplaVoila” was developed by Kasper Skårhøj and Robert Lemke for a project in a large, french company, Dassault Systemes. TemplaVoila was the result of the innovation that followed some problem solving for the project. In particular the problems that TemplaVoila addresses are how to create more flexible page structures than currently known in TYPO3s concept of “columns”. Further, it integrates traditional templating on the content element level but with a far more flexible point-n-click style than seen before. Finally the development of TemplaVoila also lead to some enhancements of the TYPO3 Core, in particular a concept called FlexForms which allows TYPO3's backend to build hierarchical forms and store their content into XML structures
Extended Meta Tags
Extended Meta Tags
Extended number of meta tags editable in Constant Editor. Includes Dublin Core tags.
HTML Area Rich Text Editor
HTML Area Rich Text Editor
The extension offers a Rich Text Editor - effectively a word-processor interface, which converts formatted text to HTML, and also controls the editor's formatting options so as to enforce the site's style conventions.
Support for Firefox 0.8+, Mozilla 1.3.1+, Netscape 7.1+ and Safari 3.0.4+ on all platforms, and for IE5.5+ on Windows platforms;
Integration of TYPO3 image insertion and link insertion browsers, configurable color selector and user element insertion dialog;
Optional integration with the DAM media browser for image insertion;
Configuration through TYPO3 Extension Manager, Page and User TSConfig RTE properties; three default sets of Page and User TSConfig configuration settings for typical situations, advanced users or demo environments;
Integration with the translation facilities of TYPO3;
Block and inline CSS style selector boxes with style descriptors imported from an external CSS file;
Integration of the SpellChecker htmlArea plugin providing spell checking in many languages, with optional personal dictionaries for backend users;
Integration of ContextMenu, TableOperations, InsertSmiley, FindReplace, RemoveFormat, CharacterMap, QuickTag and Acronym htmlArea plugins;
Anchor accessibility feature;
Hook on Lorem Ipsum wizard so that dummy content may be inserted when the editor is in wysiwyg mode;
Optional configurable server-side HTML cleaning when content is pasted into the editor;
A class that may be used in front end extensions to enable rich text editing of text fields.
Google Sitmap
Google Sitmap
XML Generator for Google's sitemaps , can be used for pages or contents. Can generate Sitemaps for contents or pages and also the Google Sitemap Index.
More info about this at https://www.google.com/webmasters/sitemaps/docs/en/about.html
Flexible Content Elements
A flexible content element (FCE) is a templavoila-based TYPO3 sub-template, which can contain other content elements, or be made up of a combination of other content elements.
The YAML template includes a number of FCEs, some of which are particularly useful if you want to be able to implement grid-based layouts flexibly - you can divide the main column into different numbers of columns in different vertical divisions for example.
There is also a collection of boxes of different colours with rounded corners - making it easy to get a web 2 look on your site.
Adjustable 3 columns
Adjustable 3 columns
This FCE provides 3 columns where the column-widths can be set in pixels within the FCE. It can be combined and nested with any other FCE.
Adjustable 2 Columns
Adjustable 2 Columns
This FCE provides 2 columns where the column-widths can be set in pixels within the FCE. It can be combined and nested with any other FCE.
Green Box with Rounded Corners
Green Box with Rounded Corners
A box with green backgorund and round edges. This is done with plain CSS, no background graphics required. This FCE can be combined with any other FCE (nested). Any content element can go into this FCE.
Red Box with Rounded Corners
Red Box with Rounded Corners
A box with red backgorund and round edges. This is done with plain CSS, no background graphics required. This FCE can be combined with any other FCE (nested). Any content element can go into this FCE.
Blue Box with Rounded Corners
Blue Box with Rounded Corners
A box with blue backgorund and round edges. This is done with plain CSS, no background graphics required. This FCE can be combined with any other FCE (nested). Any content element can go into this FCE.
Subdivide a Column 33-33-33
Subdivide a Column 33-33-33
This FCE can either be used on a page template that has no subtemplates in order to have columns/no columns alternately OR to further devide colums on a page template that has subtemplates already. FCEs can always be nested.
Subdivide a Column 33-66
Subdivide a Column 33-66
This FCE can either be used on a page template that has no subtemplates in order to have columns/no columns alternately OR to further devide colums on a page template that has subtemplates already. FCEs can always be nested.
Subdivide a Column 38-62
Subdivide a Column 38-62
This FCE can either be used on a page template that has no subtemplates in order to have columns/no columns alternately OR to further devide colums on a page template that has subtemplates already. FCEs can always be nested.
Subdivide a Column 50-50
Subdivide a Column 50-50
This FCE can either be used on a page template that has no subtemplates in order to have columns/no columns alternately OR to further devide colums on a page template that has subtemplates already. FCEs can always be nested.
Subdivide a Column 62-38
Subdivide a Column 62-38
This FCE can either be used on a page template that has no subtemplates in order to have columns/no columns alternately OR to further devide colums on a page template that has subtemplates already. FCEs can always be nested.
Subdivide a Column 66-33
Subdivide a Column 66-33
This FCE can either be used on a page template that has no subtemplates in order to have columns/no columns alternately OR to further devide colums on a page template that has subtemplates already. FCEs can always be nested.
Subdivide a Column 25-75
Subdivide a Column 25-75
This FCE can either be used on a page template that has no subtemplates in order to have columns/no columns alternately OR to further divide colums on a page template that has subtemplates already. FCEs can always be nested.
Subdivide a Column 75-25
Subdivide a Column 75-25
This FCE can either be used on a page template that has no subtemplates in order to have columns/no columns alternately OR to further divide colums on a page template that has subtemplates already. FCEs can always be nested.