What Do You Get?

In addition to the extensions installed as part of the TYPO3 core, the following extensions are installed and configured as part of the WEC Starter Package. The names of the WEC extensions give a good guide to their use in a church ministry: we have added descriptions which indicate uses more relevant to community organisations.

(Click the headings below to open up and close a description of the extension - more details can be found on the TYPO3 web site)



In short, TemplaVoila is an alternate templating enginge offering a new way of creating and working with design elements. On top of that it provides a new user interface in the backend (aka the “Page Module).

The extension “TemplaVoila” was developed by Kasper Skårhøj and Robert Lemke for a project in a large, french company, Dassault Systemes. TemplaVoila was the result of the innovation that followed some problem solving for the project. In particular the problems that TemplaVoila addresses are how to create more flexible page structures than currently known in TYPO3s concept of “columns”. Further, it integrates traditional templating on the content element level but with a far more flexible point-n-click style than seen before. Finally the development of TemplaVoila also lead to some enhancements of the TYPO3 Core, in particular a concept called FlexForms which allows TYPO3's backend to build hierarchical forms and store their content into XML structures

Time Zone

Time Zone

Have you ever encountered that the calender item would have a right date but when your visitors look at the info, in the front end, the time and date are just not right?

If this is your case, you probably have the same problem with many extensions, like “News”, etc.

Most of the time it is a problem with the Server Time Zone, that is somewhat different from your own time zone.

This small extension allows you to stablish the Time Zone for your site.

WEC Constants

WEC Constants

The WEC Constants extension is a simple packaging of common Typoscript constants for use on a site.  Values such as site name, contact email, etc. can be defined in one location (the constant editor) and then re-used in multiple locations throughout the site.

This concept has been used extensively in the Web Empowered Church Starter Package.  The WEC Starter Package is a version of TYPO3 that has been pre-configured with default extensions, page structure, and templates.  The value of WEC Constants comes in when we try to share data between these three data sources.  Multiple TemplaVoila templates, for one, can share common WEC Constants so that site specific data is preserved when changing templates.  Likewise, WEC Constants can be used to configure extensions in a more global manner.  For example, setting the WEC Constant for date format in one location can server to configure the date format for both news and calendar extensions throughout the site.

WEC Devotional Journal

WEC Devotional Journal

The Web-Empowered Church Devotional Journal ("WEC Devo") extension implements a devotional with a private personal journal for each user. A devotional is writings/articles or Bible passages helping people to devote themselves to and focus on God and spiritual issues.

While this extension is designed for churches and ministries, and devotionals in particular, the extension can support any content. This extension also supports, but does not require, a private journaling feature that enables a user to record notes and thoughts about the current content.

This extension has 3 main parts:

  • Devotional: A key feature of the Devotional Journal is the ability to present scheduled content with tabbed categories. Content entered into the Devotional Journal is given a start and an end date that defines when it is schedule to appear on the Devotional Journal page. That duration could be any number of days but it is typically a day, a week, or a month. Content for the future can be entered any time and will appear when it is scheduled to appear. The Devotional Journal also supports categories of content that are accessed by the user via different tabs. The content under the tabs can have different start and end dates. For example, a daily devotional could have a tab that displays a weekly summary, a tab that provides a daily thought, and a tab that provides a daily scripture reading. In this case, the content under the daily thought and daily scripture tabs would change each day, but the content under the weekly summary would remain the same for an entire week.
  • Journal: The journal feature enables a user to type in notes while reading and pondering the current devotional. The journal entries are synchronized to the time of the scheduled content so the journal entries stay with the content. A user can view previous content and journal entries by navigating to a different day. Since journal entries may be personal, they are only accessible to the logged in user who entered them, and for added privacy, the data is stored in an encrypted format. The journal uses a rich text editor which provides basic word processing features like adding bold or italicize text and changing the text foreground or background color.
  • Optional Group Discussion: An optional online group discussion, which is also synchronized with the scheduled content, can be added using the WEC Discussion extension. This is a separate extension that can work with the WEC Devotional Journal.


Major features include:

  • A built-in tabbed interface to have a series of pages.
  • CSS that can be changed/updated to customize the look of the page.
  • Weekly and daily calendar and navigation.
  • Journaling system where users can save daily/weekly thoughts, and print out previous entries.
  • Support for a discussion page and/or comment system so users can share with others about the content.
  • Support for audio and video files embedded in the content, plus allows download of audio.
  • Easily customizable templates.
  • Support any kinds of TYPO3 pages within a section.
  • Admin functions for tracking and updating subscriber users.

Potential Uses

For the church/ministry:

  • An online devotional developed by a church/ministry/denomination -- i.e., Transformation Journal.
  • An extended study or discussion on sermon.
  • A weekly (or monthly) Bible study. Post content weekly or daily.
  • A study/discussion or further exploration for a church class/group.

Other Uses...

  • A weekly teaching curriculum for a class each week, the theme is "Understanding Our World" and you have content/links/articles about various topics such as "Country Governments"/"Geography"/"Animals"/"Energy Production"/etc.
  • A study on a given topic. You might do research and fill in content for 8 weeks worth of research but it only becomes available every week for someone to go through.

WEC Discussion Forum/Blog

WEC Discussion Forum/Blog

The features of this Discussion extension include:

  • Easily customize colors, layout, and look.
  • Rich Text Editor (RTE) to add posts.
  • Support users to subscribe and receive new posts by email.
  • Filter messages for bad/obscene/spam words.
  • Moderate the messages (optional).
  • Support RSS feed so users can subscribe to the discussion.
  • Spam protection of comments and posts by Image Captcha, Text Captcha, links removed, HTML tags, etc.
  • The ability to hide an entry and comment form until a specified date/time.
  • Search discussion messages.
  • Preview/teaser of last #N messages posted. You can add this to any Typo3 page.
  • Archive by month.
  • Actionbar (top), sidebar, or both supported.

Why Use This Extension?

If you want a simple, but powerful, bulletin board/forum, a blog, or a comment system, we recommend considering this extension. The wec_discussion extension helps build community on your website and allows a customized look, feel, and options for each discussion forum. This extension was created for small to medium sized websites that would have discussions with up to several hundred people. For large websites, we would recommend using mm_forum (included with the package), or an external forum system.

WEC Flash Player

WEC Flash Player

The Web-Empowered Church Flash Player Extension is used to produce a streaming media player for MP3 audio or Flash  FLV files containing both audio and video.  Currently, video must be at a resolution of 320 x 240 or less.

The Flash movies contain all of the functionality for controlling the media; TYPO3 is only used to provide a means for entering data and passing that data to Flash. This data passing is accomplished by embedding FlashVars in the HTML of a pages.

WEC Flash Presentation

WEC Flash Presentation

The Web-Empowered Church Flash Presentation Extension produces a synchronized slideshow/media presentation through a Flash movie.  Media can be in the form of MP3 audio only or Flash FLV files containing both audio and video.  Both low bandwidth and high bandwidth FLV files can be provided, with automatic bandwidth detection serving the correct file to the user.  Currently, video must at a resolution of 320 x 240 or less.

Silde images and timings are entered through the TYPO3 backend to enhance the MP3 or FLV media.  As the media plays, the displayed slides are updated to reflect the information being presented through the MP3 or FLV.  

The Flash movies contain all of the functionality for controlling slides, audio, and video; TYPO3 is only used to provide a means for entering data and passing that data to Flash.  This data passing is accomplished by embedding FlashVars in the HTML of a pages.



The Web-Empowered Church Map Extension provides an interface for placing maps from Google on a TYPO3-based website.  There are two actual plugins provided with the WEC Map extension.

The Simple Map Plugin allows you to show a single address, such as your church address, on a Google map. See Illustration 1. However, by adding TypoScript to configure the WEC Map extension, you can add multiple addresses and multiple markers (see Marker Manager).

The Frontend Users Map Plugin allows you to show multiple locations on a map. These locations are drawn from a list of Frontend Users and can be limited to a particular Frontend Users Group. See Illustration 2. This provides you with the opportunity to map the location of off-site small groups, multiple site campuses, or even member addresses. A security option is available so that names and addresses can be hidden if desired. When the security option is enabled, only the city, state, and country for each user is located on the map to hide the specific locations of Frontend User addresses.

WEC Prayer Connector

WEC Prayer Connector

The WEC (Prayer) Connector extension implements a connector community, which is a community designed to help people that have a need or service find people who can address that need or use that service. Anyone can publicly post a need (like a prayer request) or service (like a job opening), and then people who want to respond do not reply publicly. Instead, their reply is e-mailed back to the originator and the reply does not appear on the website. If the need is fulfilled or the service is not needed anymore, then the entire post can be removed by the originator.

To help in monitoring for new posts to the connector, people can subscribe to a connector and receive any new posts. In addition, each connector can be moderated by one or more users and they can quickly edit or remove entries if needed. Plus, spam filtering controls allow the administrator to keep out any unwanted content.

This extension offers many configurable options for naming, display, control, etc. to address various needs. For example, the extension can be used for things such as prayer requests, classified ads, job listings, posting board, or a business directory.  


Major features of this extension include:

  • Easily customize colors, layout, and look
  • Support users to subscribe and receive all new posts by email
  • Allows spam-fighting tools like captcha, link limits allowed, and only certain HTML tags allowed
  • Optional categories
  • Filter messages for bad/obscene words
  • Moderate the messages (optional)
  • Customize title, instructions and even emails being sent out
  • Allows listings to be paged
  • Can hide entry form until user wants to respond
  • Allow messages to last only a certain amount of time (i.e., 30 days)

Potential Uses
For the church/ministry:

  • Prayer Request Board
  • Helping Hands Board (person needs help and posts request)
  • Job Board (person looking for job or for employee)
  • E-Candle (light a candle to remember someone)
  • Business Directory

Other Uses...

  • Anything you can think of where you want to connect people with other's needs or requests!

WEC Sermon Management System

WEC Sermon Management System

Simply put, the SMS extension allows you to put your sermons, bulletins, audio-video files, graphics, etc. online for the world to see. In addition, it makes the sermon records searchable so someone looking for your specific sermon can find it quickly.

In a wider context, the extension makes it easy to gather together a collection of related documents and multimedia files relating to a particular topic or event.

WEC Servant Connector

WEC Servant Connector

The WEC Servant Matcher is a great way to connect people to service opportunities.

Specifically,this extension was created for churches or ministries to connect members and attenders to ministry service opportunities. We name anyone in a church who wants to help – servants – and that is where we get the “Servant Matcher” name. Some churches or ministries may call them volunteers or unpaid servants or helpers or  “people to help”. Whatever their title, if you want to connect people who want to help, then this extension can help you do that.

As an example of how this could be used: suppose you are a leader at the First Church of Kasperville and you want to let them know about how they can help out at your church. You find all the ministry opportunities by contacting other leaders or pastors involved. From there, you receive the following opportunities: “Help in Children's Sunday School”, “Help With Yard Work At The Church”, “Teach Youth Club”, “Drive Van For Elderly”, “Be An Usher”, “Be A Greeter”, “Bring Snacks For Sunday Morning”, “Sing In Choir”, etc...and you may have 20 or 30 or more of these. Then, you would simply add each of these, with their appropriate contact person and information. Then you can add this to your website and voilà -- you have a way for people to connect with your service opportunities available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

This extension is very flexible and allows you to show and connect servants in various ways:

  • List by Ministry – show users all opportunities under a given ministry. Or you can list by ministries and let them choose several ministries they are interested in and see all opportunities under those ministries.
  • Select by Skills -- allow a user to select their skills / spiritual gifts / passion / talents and then it matches them with ministry opportunities that fit those.
  • List by Ministry Needs – let the user pick from ministry opportunities based on a given need/priority (i.e., “urgent”, “special”, “high priority”).
  • List by Last Added – allow user to find the ones that were last added so they can see “new” opportunities.

You can actually mix and match opportunities in any combination you want, depending on the size of your church and the number of opportunities available. If you have a larger number of opportunities (i.e., more than 25), you may want to assign skills/gifts to them so people can match opportunities that fit their “call” and passions.

Since ministry opportunities can be listed by ministry group, this extension will allow every ministry page that would like to have a “Look For Opportunities”/”How Can I Serve?” to then show all the opportunities to serve in that given ministry. So, your Music/Worship ministry can show all Ministry opportunities associated with it.

While in this document, we use the terms servant, ministry, and ministry opportunity, a broader definition might be:servant: person who wants to helpministry: categoryministry opportunity: a given opportunity or task that needs someone to help


Major features include:

  • Flexible ways to connect people to your ministry opportunities – use whichever way fits your church/ministry.
  • Flexible ways to respond – by commitment or contact form and/or by phone/email information listed.
  • Easy-to-setup, add, and modify.
  • Customizable look, layout, and colors.
  • Each ministry area can have a link in its own section that will just show opportunities for its ministry
  • Admin support where staff/owner can add/update their own opportunities that they are in charge of

WEC Staff Directory

WEC Staff Directory

The Staff Directory is an extension that will enable organizations the ability to display information about their staff members on their website. It will also (optionally) let staff members customize and share their own biography/news/information as well as additional and optional photos. This will be a great help so the organization has a “face” of real people, and the public can get to know them. The administrator can easily keep the staff directory up-to-date and it interfaces with the existing TYPO3 user system.

The needs to be met for this extension include:

  • Public can know and contact staff.
  • Staff can update their section of the website.
  • Department directories of staff can be available.
  • Quick updating and maintaining of staff directory.


Major features include:

  • Display staff with photos and information that is very configurable – four options built-in: list, columns, brief, or verbose listing. An additional display option is provided to facilitate customization.
  • Show staff page that supports additional photos, bios, and news that is easily configurable.
  • Staff can (optionally) edit their own page easily (with Frontend user account).
  • Sort by first name, last name, department, start date, or your own custom options.
  • Show just a department – for individual sub-pages of a site.
  • Easy maintenance and updating of the staff directory by Backend users.
  • Many customization options for display, configuration, and usage.

WEC User Fields

WEC User Fields

The WEC User extension is a simple add-on to the frontend user table for use in the Web-Empowered Starter Package. The extension adds two fields, “Attends this church?” and “Is a member of this church?”, that will be of use to churches using the WEC Starter Package. In addition to these fields, a modified template for the Frontend User Registration extension (sr_feuser_register) is provided. This modified template displays the new fields in the fe_user table and also re-organizes the fields into a more logical order for US-based users.



This extension features a backend module allowing you to browse the folders and files on your webserver without using an external ftp-client.

It supports:

  • Browsing directories, displaying name, size, type, date & permissions.
  • Viewing & Editing Files (of supported mimetypes).
  • Copying, Moving, Renaming & Deleting Files & Directories.
  • Downloading & Uploading Files.
  • Creating (empty) Files & Directories.
  • Searching for Files & Directories.
  • Changing Permissions (UNIX style) for Files & Directories.
  • Archiving(zip'ing) files.
  • Extracting files from archives ( zip- / tar.gz / tar.bz2 ).



Provides an API respository that the WEC team uses to store common modules for all the WEC extensions.

WEC Button

WEC Button

The Web-Empowered Church Button Extension is used provides graphical buttons in a variety of shapes and sizes that  indicate involvement with the Web-Empowered Church ministry.

If you are not a church, this provides a good way to insert your own buttons

WEC Configuration

WEC Configuration

The WEC Config extension aims to simplify administrative tasks for new TYPO3 users by offering easier backend modules and laying the foundation for a simplified backend interface.

The first part of WEC Config extension is a backend module, located at Web->WEC Config, that provides 3 submodules:  Edit Site Constants, Select Site Template, and Manage Add-on Features.  These modules allow you to set site-wide values such as name, email, and url, select TemplaVoila templates for your site, and quickly install and uninstall chunks of functionality called features.  Each of these modules are described more fully in the Users Manual sections of this document.

In addition to the backend module, the WEC Config extension also provides backend records for creating and editing features and enables TCA-based overrides for default backend behavior. 

Backend ACLs

Backend ACLs

Until now, the access scheme for the TYPO3 backend was the traditional User-Group-World scheme known from Unix. This, however, is not sufficent when more complex permissions are needed, for example when wanting to apply different permissions to different groups on the same page. Another issue in the current permission system is that the page owners/groups are set to the user and the main group of that user who creates the page.

This are the two scenarios the ACLs want to solve. It is now possible to define on a per-group and per-user basis for pages which permissions are active. ACLs allow pages to have permissions for more than one user/group on a page.

Furthermore, ACLs can work recursively, meaning an ACL doesn't need to be copied to all subpages when it should apply there as well. This makes handling permissions easier.



The mm_forum is a frontend plugin that adds a discussion board to your TYPO3-based website. The extension was originally written to be used for discussing questions about TYPO3 in the TYPO3 portal TYPO3.net by Mittwald CM Service. The extension currently consists of six different plugins and one backend module. These plugins provide the following features:

  1. Message Board – The mm_forum : Forum plugin offers all the basic functionalities of a full-featured discussion board, e.g. the display of different message boards as well as threads and posts contained in these message boards.

  2. User registration – The mm_forum : User registration plugin contains an own form for user registration. The mm_forum extensions extends the user table by several new fields such as various new contact data (ICQ, MSN, AIM, YIM, Skype), interests or occupation.

  3. Private messaging – The mm_forum : Private messaging plugin implements a messaging system allowing users to write private messages among each other.

  4. Indexed Search – The mm_forum : Search plugin contains an own indexed search engine allowing very fast search queries.

  5. User details – The mm_forum : User settings plugin offers functionalities for the user to edit his/her own user information.

  6. Portal information – The mm_forum : Portal information plugin displays a complete list of all users that are currently on-line or have been recently on-line. Furthermore, it shows interesting statistics, like the amount of posts written in the forum.

  7. Backend Administration module – The backend module of the mm_forum extension offers a wide range of functionalities allowing the administrator to easily configure the mm_forum extension. The administrator is able to set up all message boards and categories, he/she can edit the mm_forum template files, configure the smilies and BBCodes used in the forum plugin and even import data from an already existing phpBB message board.

Clear Cache for Backend Users

Clear Cache for Backend Users

Makes the Admin-only-Function "clear page cache" under the main-menu available for selected BE-Groups

Pages are cached the first time they are used each day. This extension enables non-admins to replace a page in the cache at other times, so that changes to the page appear immediately on-line

Date 2 Calendar

Date 2 Calendar

Extends all backend date/datetime fields with a calendar so that you can enter dates by clicking on the calendar, rather than having to type in the date in the correct format. (http://www.dynarch.com/projects/calendar). The calendar provides an additional natural language parsing mode (http://datetime.toolbocks.com/). Also it offers a small API to use the calendar in other extensions too.



The Calendar Base extension facilitates Backend data entry, Frontend data entry, as well as parsing of static iCal feeds and subscriptions to external iCal content. Frontend Registration and logins can limit which appointments are displayed, thus allowing the use of “multiple calendars” for personal appointments, etc. In addition to standard calendar data, extensions such as tt_news can be configured for calendar display. Data from each of these source is combined into a single calendar, offering multiple views such as list, day, week, and month. In addition to the standard HTML views, iCal feeds and RSS feeds are produced by the Calendar Base.

Frontend User Registration

Frontend User Registration

The Front End User Registration plugin is a Frontend user self-registration variant of Kasper Skårhøj's Front End User Admin extension. The Front End User Registration extension features include:

  • Use of standard TYPO3 facilities and tools: localization, alternate languages, character sets other than ISO 8859-1, TypoLink URLs, constant editor, default CSS in TypoScript setup;
  • Use of country codes, country subdivision codes and language codes of the Static Info Tables;
  • Addition of the following fields: first name, last name, date of birth, and usergroup;
  • Compatibility with extension Direct Mail 2.0 in the use of field 'Receive HTML emails?' (module_sys_dmail_html) and of Direct Mail Categories (module_sys_dmail_category);
  • Sending HTML emails;
  • Optional attachment to HTML confirmation emails;
  • Optional use of email address as username;
  • Optional selection of user group on registration;
  • Optional administrative review process for approval of registrations;
  • User upload and maintenance of a set of images (presumably photos);
  • Validation of the user's Internet site URL;
  • Sending an invitation to register;
  • Switching salutation mode;
  • en_US localization;
  • Optional md5-hashed password, using extension KB MD5 FE Password (kb_md5fepw);
  • Optional CSS-styled XHTML 1.0 Strict template;
  • Optional use of backend flexforms, using extension FE, BE Library (fh_library);
  • Seven optional hooks;
  • Compatibility with extension Database Abstraction Layer (dbal).

KB Unpack

KB Unpack

This extension enables a backend user to unpack (decompress) compressed files in the fileadmin folder (via the File / Filelist Module). Currently “zip”, “tar.gz” (“tgz”) and “tar.bz2” (“tbz2”) files are supported. 

Extended Meta Tags

Extended Meta Tags

Extended number of meta tags editable in Constant Editor. Includes Dublin Core tags.

Enables you edit the meta tags in header of each page, which is useful in searching and search engine optimisation

Guestbook/Commenting System

Guestbook/Commenting System



Extension for displaying and managing news.  


  • 3 types of news items: standard news articles, external links and links, pointing to internal pages.
  • Full multilanguage support with TYPO3 since version 3.7.0.
  • News-articles can be related to each other and/or to internal pages. If two news articles are related, the link back to the source article is inserted automatically.
  • The view of the complete news article  (single view) can be splitted to multiple pages. Pagebreaks can be inserted manually by a userdefined “pagebreak token” or after a certain amount of words.
  • All types of mediafiles can be assigned to news-articles.
  • Very flexible news content-element with the following functions: List, Latest, Archive-menu, Single-view, Search, a menu from nested categories (CATMENU) and a special kind of single view: the “version preview”.
  • The appearance of the news plugin on the website can easily be changed by editing the html-template.
  • 2 different html templates included: A table-based template which is kown from older tt_news versions and a new CSS-based template (see screenshots below).
  • News-categories, that can be assigned to news (multiple selections possible). Categories can also be nested to each other. News can be selected (or de-selected) for display by their categories or parent-categories.
  • New in version 2.5.0: If the extension xajax is installed, the category trees in BackEnd forms can now be expanded and collapsed. If you have a huge category tree this will speed up the rendering of the tree significantly.
  • New in version 2.5.0: “tt_news category manager” a BackEnd module for managing news categories (located under Web->Info). It shows the complete category tree - of course expandable and collapsable - and offers drag and drop for moving and copying news categories.
  • Category-images and category-titles can act as link to a specific page or function as category-selector.
  • The Single view of an article can show a list of news, having the same categories assigned as the current article.
  • In the BackEnd categories can be used to configure the editing permissions for news records. A list of allowed categories can be configured for a BackEnd usergroup. If a member of this group tries to edit a news record that does have at least one category assigned that is not in this list saving of the record will be disabled.
  • Internal search function with configurable “search fields” (can be combined with the category-selector function to filter results by categories).
  • “Editlock”: By activating the checkbox “Restrict editing by non-Admins” a news record can be locked for editing by non-admin users.
  • “Automatic archiving”: After a given number of days has passed, news are automatically in the archive, no need to set an archivedate manually for each item.
  • Supports caching and Indexing: If caching is enabled news-articles are indexed by the extension “indexed search”.
  • Supports “direct preview”: When the “save & view” button in a news record (in the BackEnd) has been pressed the “single view” of this record will be opened on the website. (see section “Page TSconfig”)
  • Several possibilities to add user-defined scripts to process the output of the extension f.e. to add your own markers and templateparts. (-> see sections “Configuration/files” and “Extending tt_news” for some examples)
  • Supports export to the following XML-feed formats: RSS 0.91, RSS 2, RDF Atom 0.3 and Atom 1.0.
  • Supports versioning for news records (TYPO3 > 3.7.0 & MySQL 4.x required). “Versioning preview” is supported with a special mode of the tt_news content element (VERSION_PREVIEW) which will be available if the extension “version” is installed.
  • “Context sensitive help” (CSH) for all fields in the tt_news and tt_news_cat BackEnd forms.
  • Support for workspaces (TYPO3 4.0 required)

Real URL

Real URL

The extension provides automatic transformation of URLs with GET parameter in the frontend (like “index.php?id=123&type=0&L=1”) into a virtual path, a so called “Speaking URL” (like “dutch/contact/company-info/page.html”) and back again. The objective is that URLs shall be as human readable as possible.

The extension is very flexible and can provide from simple translation of page IDs to encoding of almost any possible combination of GET parameters.



This Extension offers the possibility to add a searchbox to your Typo3 powered website which submits the searchvalue to the Indexed Search Engine  plugin. The extension has a html template which is easy to modify and supports multiple languages.

Static Info Tables

Static Info Tables

Static Info Tables is a collection of database tables which provides data on:

  • territories
  • countries
  • country zones (states, local government areas)
  • languages
  • currencies
  • markets

These tables are static. They should be used as reference only, and are useful for for applications like shop plugins and other extensions that handle country-related data.

The records can be found in the backend in the root level of the page tree (globe).

AW Stats

AW Stats

This extension integrates the third party software AWStats into TYPO3 as backend module. The extension includes modules for administrators and users. Externally generated log files can be configured to be analyzed by AWStats like the TYPO3 generated ones.

From http://awstats.sourceforge.net:

“AWStats is a free powerful and featureful tool that generates advanced web, streaming, ftp or mail server statistics, graphically. This log analyzer works as a CGI or from command line and shows you all possible information your log contains, in few graphical web pages. It uses a partial information file to be able to process large log files, often and quickly. It can analyze log files from all major server tools like Apache log files (NCSA combined/XLF/ELF log format or common/CLF log format), WebStar, IIS (W3C log format) and a lot of other web, proxy, wap, streaming servers, mail servers and some ftp servers.”


  • A full log analysis enables AWStats to show you the following information: Number of visits, and number of unique visitors,
  • Visits duration and last visits,
  • Authenticated users, and last authenticated visits,
  • Days of week and rush hours (pages, hits, KB for each hour and day of week),
  • Domains/countries of hosts visitors (pages, hits, KB, 269 domains/countries detected, GeoIp detection),
  • Hosts list, last visits and unresolved IP addresses list,
  • Most viewed, entry and exit pages,
  • Files type,
  • Web compression statistics (for mod_gzip or mod_deflate),
  • OS used (pages, hits, KB for each OS, 35 OS detected),
  • Browsers used (pages, hits, KB for each browser, each version (Web, Wap, Media browsers: 97 browsers, more than 450 if using browsers_phone.pm library file),
  • Visits of robots (319 robots detected),
  • Worms attacks (5 worm's families),
  • Search engines, keyphrases and keywords used to find your site (The 115 most famous search engines are detected like yahoo, google, altavista, etc...),
  • HTTP errors (Page Not Found with last referrer, ...),
  • Other personalized reports based on url, url parameters, referer field for miscellanous/marketing purpose,
  • Number of times your site is "added to favourites bookmarks".
  • Screen size (need to add some HTML tags in index page).
  • Ratio of Browsers with support of: Java, Flash, RealG2 reader, Quicktime reader, WMA reader, PDF reader (need to add some HTML tags in index page).
  • Cluster report for load balanced servers ratio.

AWStats also supports the following features:

  • Can analyze a lot of log formats: Apache NCSA combined log files (XLF/ELF) or common (CLF), IIS log files (W3C), WebStar native log files and other web, proxy, wap or streaming servers log files (but also ftp or mail log files). See AWStats F.A.Q. for examples.
  • Works from command line and from a browser as a CGI (with dynamic filters capabilities for some charts),
  • Update of statistics can be made from a web browser and not only from your scheduler,
  • Unlimited log file size, support split log files (load balancing system),
  • Support 'not correctly sorted' log files even for entry and exit pages,
  • Reverse DNS lookup before or during analysis, support DNS cache files,
  • Plugin for country detection from IP location (use geoip country database or client domain name),
  • Plugin for city detection from IP location (use geoip city database),
  • Plugins for US/Canadian Region , ISP and/or Organizations reports (require non free third product geoipregion, geoipisp and/or geoiporg database)
  • WhoIS links,
  • A lot of options/filters and plugins can be used,
  • Multi-named web sites supported (virtual servers, great for web-hosting providers),
  • Cross Site Scripting Attacks protection,
  • Several languages. See AWStats F.A.Q. for full list.
  • No need of rare perl libraries. All basic perl interpreters can make AWStats working,
  • Dynamic reports as CGI output.
  • Static reports in one or framed HTML/XHTML pages, experimental PDF export,
  • Look and colors can match your site design, can use CSS,
  • Help and tooltips on HTML reported pages,
  • Easy to use (Just one configuration file to edit),
  • Analysis database can be stored in XML format for XSLT processing,
  • A Webmin module,
  • Absolutely free (even for web hosting providers), with sources (GNU General Public License),
  • Available on all platforms,
  • AWStats has a XML Portable Application Description.

Guestbook/Commenting System

Guestbook/Commenting System

Widely configurable guestbook content-element.

  • Support for indexed_search / indexing of the list pages
  • Armored against cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks using the typo3 core method removeBadHTML (Thanks to Rupert Germann)
  • There are three different implementation modes: guestbook listing, form for a new entry and a teaser module.
  • You can configure form specific things like obligation fields, stripping html tags, validating the email and website field.
  • For the guestbook output and teaser module you can set the limit and sorting of the entries.
  • Also you can define the string length of the entry in teaser mode. Long words protection
  • Including a CSS based template pi1/guestbook_template.html.
  • Notification mail to an userdefined email and Feedback mail to the guestbook user after new entries
  • Replacing bbcodes with emoticons, Spam protected email displaying, Commentability for be-users of entries
  • You can easily convert entries from tt_guest to ve_guestbook by a single sql statement