Base TYPO3 Hosting Specification

TYPO3 is enterprise-level software, and it is pointless to expect it to perform well on cheap hosting which is designed for small static web sites.

Our hosting is specifically designed to support large sites, and therefore offers you 20GByte of hard disk space, and adequate RAM by default.


  • We are firmly based around LAMP - Linux, Apache, mySQL and PHP - the most common platform for open source web applications. Perl and Python are also available as standard.
  • Additional server-side software (which larger hosting suppliers are often reluctant to install) is included to manage issues such as graphics manipulation, and the functions of a number of TYPO3 extensions, such as generation of Adobe Acrobat files, and indexing of Word documents.
  • PHP code performance is improved by eacclerator, which precompiles it, so that it run up to 10 times faster.
  • As new extensions appear requiring additional server-side support, we ensure that it is installed and available for your use.

In order to secure servers we do not allow root access for shared hosting accounts. If your preferred package needs root access for installation, we will install it for you, a service for which a fee of £50-00 per hour (+VAT) is charged.