Copying Pages

Why would you want to copy a page? Well, if you have a page with information and need to make a new page with the same layout but different information by copying the page you keep the formatting and just change the content/information of the page.

Before you do anything, decide where you want to place the copy of your page. If you do this now you will not have to move it later.

To copy a page you click on the yellow folder next to the name of the folder in the Navigation Column (middle column). From the drop down menu you select copy.

Your file is now in memory on the clip board invisible. You have now 2 new options to the drop down menu:

Paste into

and Paste after

Paste Into

'Paste Into' opens the pop up menu below that asks if you want to copy the selected file into that particular folder.

To do that, place your cursor on the fileT icon of the folder into which you want to copy the file.

Press the left mouse key and from the pop up menu select paste into and the file will be copied into the selected file folder with the original name plus (copy 1) after it.

If you copy the file more than once each copy will be consecutively numbered. The file name can be changed later.

This is how the copied file will now look in the directory tree. The file will be marked with a red X which indicates that the file is hidden (not activated to be shown in the menu). It is the same for Paste into or Paste after.

Past After

'Paste after' opens a pop up menu that asks if you want to copy the selected file after a particular file.

To do that you place your cursor on the file icon after which you want to insert the copy.

Press the left mouse key and from the pop up menu select paste after and the file will be copied below that file with the original name plus (copy 1) after it.

If you copy the file more than once each copy will be consecutively numbered. The file name can be changed later.

This is how the copied file will now look in the directory tree. The file will be marked with a red X which indicates that the file is hidden (not activated to be shown in the menu). It is the same for 'Paste after' or 'Paste into'.

Any copy you make is automatically a hidden file indicated by the red x over the file folder icon

This is also indicated by this at the top of the screen in 'Edit Page Header'.

Now you can edit the file by following the instruction in 'Edit Page' and Edit Page Header'.

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