Example News Feed
News - tt_news
News is information which is time related. It is the sort of material which you wish to draw people's attention to as it becomes available - perhaps on your home page - by means of a teaser which opens up the whole item when clicked.
- 3 types of news items:
- standard news articles,
- external links and links,
- pointing to internal pages.
- Full multi-language support
- News-articles can be associated with each other and/or internal pages. If two news articles are related, the link back to the source article is inserted automatically.
- The view of the complete news article (single view) can be split to multiple pages. Page breaks can be inserted manually by a user defined "page break token" or after a certain amount of words.
- All types of media files can be assigned to news-articles.
- The appearance of the news plugin on the website can easily be changed by editing the HTML-template.
- 2 different HTML templates included:
- A table-based template which is known from older tt_news versions and
- a new CSS-based template (see screenshots below).
- Categories can be assigned to news (multiple selections possible). Categories can also be nested to each other. News can be selected (or de-selected) for display by their categories or parent-categories.
- If the extension xajax is installed, the category trees in Back-end forms can now be expanded and collapsed. If you have a huge category tree this will speed up the rendering of the tree significantly.
- "tt_news category manager" a Back-End module for managing news categories (located under Web->Info). It shows the complete category tree - expandable and collapsible - and offers drag and drop for moving and copying news categories.
- Category-images and category-titles can act as link to a specific page or function as category-selector.
- The Single view of an article can show a list of news, having the same categories assigned as the current article.
- In the Back-End categories can be used to configure the editing permissions for news records. A list of allowed categories can be configured for a Back-end usergroup. If a member of this group tries to edit a news record that does have at least one category assigned that is not in this list saving of the record will be disabled.
- Internal search function with configurable "search fields" (can be combined with the category-selector function to filter results by categories).
- "Editlock": By activating the checkbox "Restrict editing by non-Admins" a news record can be locked for editing by non-admin users.
- "Automatic archiving": After a given number of days has passed, news are automatically in the archive, no need to set an archive date manually for each item.
- Supports caching and Indexing: If caching is enabled news-articles are indexed by the extension "indexed search".
- Supports "direct preview": When the "save & view" button in a news record (in the Back-end) has been pressed the "single view" of this record will be opened on the website.
- Several possibilities to add user-defined scripts to process the output of the extension e.g. to add your own markers and template parts.
- Supports export to the following XML-feed formats: RSS 0.91, RSS 2, RDF Atom 0.3 and Atom 1.0.
- Supports versioning for news records. "Versioning preview" is supported with a special mode of the tt_news content element (VERSION_PREVIEW) which will be available if the extension "version" is installed.
- "Context sensitive help" (CSH) for all fields in the tt_news and tt_news_cat Back-end forms.
- Support for workspaces (TYPO3 4.0 required)