htmlArea Rich Text Editor
A Rich Text Editor is an in-line text editor which appears in the back-end, and sometimes in the front-end to enable you to enter text in a familiar environment, similar to a word processor, and avoid the need to know anything about HTML.
- Support for Firefox 0.8+, Mozilla 1.3.1+ and Netscape 7.1+ on all platforms, and for IE5.5+ on Windows platforms;
- Integration of TYPO3 image insertion and link insertion browsers
- Configurable colour selector and user element insertion dialog;
- Optional integration with the DAM media browser for image insertion;
- Configuration through TYPO3 Extension Manager, Page and User TSConfig
- RTE properties; three default/demo sets of Page and User TSConfig configuration settings for typical situations, advanced users or demo environments which can be further modified as required;
- The configuration option enables administrators to specify the range of text effects which are available to each user, or user group ensuring that the site presentation is consistent.
- Integration with the translation facilities of TYPO3;
- Integration of the DynamicCSS and InlineCSS HTMLArea plugins providing CSS style selector boxes with style descriptors imported from an external CSS file;
- Integration of the Spell Checker HTMLArea plugin providing spell checking in many languages, with optional personal dictionaries for each back-end user.;
- Integration of ContextMenu, TableOperations, InsertSmiley, FindReplace, RemoveFormat, CharacterMap, QuickTag and Acronym HTMLArea plugins; Acronym plugin not currently available in IE;
- Anchor accessibility feature;
- Lorem Ipsum wizard so that dummy content may be inserted when the editor is in wysiwyg mode;
- Optional configurable server-side HTML cleaning when content is pasted into the editor;
- A class that may be used in front end extensions to enable rich text editing of text fields.